Showing posts with label Upliftment Jamaica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Upliftment Jamaica. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Upliftment Jamaica, Morant Bay, Jamaica

Upliftment is dedicated to reaching out and raising awareness, educating and inspiring people to create an empowering future for them, their environment and their homeland. Upliftment wishes to create, support and provide opportunities to these people, to establish and continue ongoing transformation in their lives and the country as a whole.

From individual people, to communities, to a nation, step-by-step, Upliftment aims to build positivity and possibility where it does not exist, to build a bright future.

Upliftment aims to continue its personal growth and development to create a future where they are able to reach out and extend their hand further, to more people. New programs and projects will be established and added to the list of ongoing programs and past success stories. They will continue to raise awareness, educate and inspire people globally, about their mission, to gain support, and turn dreams of future into a current reality.

Upliftment has been working hard in the community upgrading and refurbishing schools, providing scholarships for students, along with assistance for uniforms and books. They have also inspired individuals to contribute time and teach classes in core subjects.

There has been the establishment of an annual Technology conference, which includes various schools. A Technology center, with computers and free access to the internet has given people the opportunity to acquire information technology skills, reduce illiteracy and reveal a porthole to the rest of the world.

Upliftment strongly promotes self- reliance and its projects in these areas reflect this and are producing results not only mentally, but also economically. Recently acquired land has seen the introduction of farming projects, including teaching people to plant and harvest subsistence crops.

Other projects have revitalized buildings and surroundings and trained people with skills in carpentry, electrical work, plumbing and construction. Upliftment also provides food daily for people in immediate need.

Upliftment builds confidence, discipline, self-awareness and a respect and physical well being for the body, through its Sports and Leisure programs. Each year, will the support of volunteers, they host a Summer Games, where participants compete for prizes and awards and incorporates a Summer Village, Camp and a variety of sports, events and other activities, increasing annually.

This all culminates in the Running Man Half Marathon, a Soccer Finale and the Summer Jam party. Grounds have been set up to accommodate this and a range of year round sports, which have attracted more participants and spectators alike.

Upliftment provides many Arts, Crafts and Cultural Programs. This has included the formation of a Dance Company, which has gone on to win a National Award for dance. Talent Shows, Fashion Shows, Concerts and Plays have also been a direct result of Upliftment Projects

Upliftment has introduced Health Fairs and checks for many illness' and ailments, Dental Projects and care for the elderly. They have been raising awareness and education on many health issues for early detection, prevention and treatment.

They offer workshops on hygiene, launched a sanitation program to provide bathrooms for homes without and aim to further implement and advance sanitation systems.